Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Song!

Tis called:'2Late'


Monday, January 26, 2009

That man don't smoke the same as me...

A wonderful thing has been occurring. We've been getting sunlight in Seattle. I actually have a shadow every now and then. The sun makes me miss LA more. I can sit and speculate and compare the two different forms of sunlight in each place. For one, sunlight in Seattle seems like a memory of Sun in LA. The light will be worshipped; what the hollywood stars never realized was that the sun did exactly what it was supposed to do. Sunlight hella exposes them beyond fotoshop and centerfolds.
I'm witnessing a lady breastfeeding. Even though its natural, or something, its hard not to look.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm living in the ice age

I have a cold and a strong lack of enthusiasm at this moment.
This is my second day of "quitting smoking."
I might make it out of this. Until then folks, 


Monday, January 19, 2009


The work crew on Mercer Island.

James:"You know, certain primitive people think he's stealing your soul with that thing. I'd be a little more concerned if I were you."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here it comes

We had sunshine yesterday for about ten minutes!

The clouds parted and gave way to a fraction in time of natural joy.

The rest of the day it was cold and miserable.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The show at 2020

We found this cool parking lot next door.

Daniel had some stuff in the show.

Ali and Aimee.


Emily, Gir, Rebex, and Angela.

Marie-Jeanette and Tika Masala.

Jamey had some stuff in the show too.

As did Rondo Miranda. Hi5!

Miss Liza Jane, looking splendid as usual.

Ema, just browsing.

Look who we ran into at Lock & Keel. Beth and Ian!!

It was a good night and the people who made it out had fun. I met some nice people as well. Wish you were there.

easy with eyes closed


Aimee, Angela, Scott and I had a Tuna Melt Club meeting. Angela fried up some onion rings.

We made a GAK colored cake! Trip out!

This is James. He smokes a lot of weed. I work with him. He's taking a nap after lunch right now. He hasn't cut his hair or shaved since I met him last summer. I asked him what the deal was. James said:"I'm just not cuttin' it right now, man." O, the layers.

I lost my mp3 player @ Holy Mountain. Aimee felt bad and gave me a ritualistic occult robe! It looks so awesome, she's really getting a hang of things. Good morning, Elva.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ryan's bathroom

Our friends live next door

I had the opportunity to work at Bob Lilly's house, which is a boat at the same time. Bob wrote an encyclopedia on perennials. He works so damn hard. He has a lust for knowledge. Inside the house there is just enough room to pass by piles of books and plants.

He was embarrassed about Christmas decorations being in the picture.

Plants everywhere. Seriously.

Yes, even in the bathtub.

Bob's hat collection
Haha, Bob.

Damn it feels good to be finally punk...

Finally Punk! played a matinee at Vera. These ladies were incredible! They new every part to every song and switched instruments at random between each song. An actual treat. Don't miss these folks on tour.

Stephanie Chan up from LA, visiting Mark.

iPaRtY ShOt!

On the way home, too much snow.

Emilyn got back into town from Minnesota that night. She was raised purifying herself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. Her place was on the way home. We dried our shoes there and did some active hugging, dancing and well-wishing.

The ball dropped and everyone drank and drank

Our apocalyptic new years took place at Holy Mountain. The place was done up real nice, by a handful of volunteering artists. To my knowledge, Chris Brown, Rondo, Derek, Eli, Pelly, Tika and JJ helped muralize and create paper mache props for the 2012 party.

Our bartender, Stefan. He's got a passion for cooking.

This lady danced in front of the Mayan calendar for hours. She rubbed her hair on it.

This is Beth. The last I saw her, she had tears in her eyes. I don't know what happened. She had one person cheering her up and I didn't want to be that guy who had to make the situation a part of him. Beth, I'm sorry I didn't give you a hug. I hope things are better.

Jewels found the beer stash.

There were severeal Nathans there. This one happens to live at Holy Mountain. That is an eyeball on the look out for tom foolery.

O! Angela! On our way down their she got cat-called in Spanish. She does look great though, doesn't she?
Chris Brown, DJ WHATHILL? In regards to the two sets he played: too many props to fit in a blog post.

Tinsel, your new favorite demonic acid surf rock band.

Frankie, and the silver one I believe is named Ian. Up to mischief I presume.

Tika Masala, Sarah K


A fashion show by Abracadabra took place. People wore awesome druid robes and dressses. Aimee Butterworth is a real talent. Keep your eyes peeled. No pictures of the actual fashion show, as I had the opportunity to MC the hootenanny.

Jamey Braden. Seriously, one of a kind.
Jamey's Boyfriend, NATE!

JJ and Dale. Dale had a rough night.

I leave you with, Sofie looking splendid as usual.