Sunday, January 4, 2009

Between Past & Future

It was my boyfriends' birthday on the second of this year. Sheesh, he's looking good for 30 years old!

A surprise guest from Lopez Island, Katie Sandbaum. She wears those shoes plus covers year round. Yes, they are a fashion statement. No, do not question her genius. Her presence was a delight.

We caravaned to El Chupacabra in Phinney then stopped for pints at Kort Haus and finished the night with "A Few Dollars More," a fight between Scott and his brother as a result from too much rye whiskey.
Alysia and friend from NYC.

Big buck hunter

Scott's brother
Ryan Chapman, God bless mormon boys.

Happy birthday Scott, I think its safe to say we had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am an old friend of Katie Sandbaum. We worked together in Olympic National Park. I found your comment about her when I google searched her name. Would you happen to have an email address for her?
    Thanks!- Laurel Farinacci
    My address:
